- ブログの内容 / About this Blog

This blog will mainly discuss and show experiment results about themes related to Computer Science, Electric Engineering, Music Composition among other themes.
Things i have done, things i want to do, my interest, etcetera.
- 著者について / About the author
Since very young I’ve had interest in computers. I’m an internet user from the time of the dial-up, when the internet wasn’t so mainstream.
My interests rage from computers, science, games, to music composition, creating things among other things. I love reverse engineering, and see how things actually work.
I also like discussions, as I think that by confronting your own ideas with other’s ideas, you can throw ideas that do not work, and polish your thinking.
- Shiki Byakkoってなに? / What is “Shiki Byakko”?
「Shiki Byakko」は簡単に言うと自分の理想的なイメージです。「Shiki Byakko」は現実の自分であって、自分ではない。アバターとも言えるでしょうが、見た目の問題だけじゃありません。見た目はご覧の通り擬人化された「白虎」ですが、勿論リアルの自分はただの人間だが、別に私はリアルの自分のイメージが嫌いな訳ではない。ただ、その姿は生まれて来たときから決まっていて、自分の心を代表できると思えません。
Simply said, “Shiki Byakko” is my own ideal image. The real me is “Shiki Byakko”, and also isn’t. It can be said that it is an avatar, but it isn’t just something about looks.
By the looks of it, “Shiki Byakko” is a White Tiger (Byakko). Of course I’m just a regular human, and it isn’t like I don’t like my real figure. It is just that my body and looks were determined since the moment I was born, and I don’t think it can represent my mind and soul.
For me, that white tiger (Byakko) is a representation of my ideal personality and heart. Of course it is just an ideal, so I cannot say it is the real me.
- ケモナーですか? / Are you a Furry (Kemoner) ?
擬人化された動物の姿は動物の姿よりも実際に人間の姿です、「Shiki Byakko」と同じ、人間には持っていない理想的な様相が含まれていると思います。
The word “Furry” (Kemoner) has many weird things mixed in it, so I hesitate to give an straight answer.
I like the idea and image of anthropomorphic animals. I think that humans do not have a feeling of “wildness” to them. Humans are a species that wins by using it’s head, but if you compare them with any other animal in anything else, humans likely will lose, because humans are weak.
I think that Anthropomorphic animals do not represent animals, but humans. Just like “Shiki Byakko”, I think they are an ideal representation of how humans would like to be.